Closing Market Report 2/24/2015

The KUIK Closing Market Report for Tuesday, February 24:
Markets were up.
Index Direction Change Units Index Time Change
Dow Up                     92 points           18,209 1:54 PM
S&P500 Up 0.3% percent             2,115        5.82
Nasdaq Composite Up 0.1% percent             4,968        7.15
30 Year Treasury Down                      (5) Basis Points               2.60 Annual Yield
Former Clinton administration economist Laura Tyson told a Senate hearing today that Congress should keep a tax break for accelerated depreciation, as well as others that “actually enhance new investments,” even if lawmakers lower the U.S. corporate tax rate.  he U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate among members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development at 35%. Congressional Republicans, President Obama, and business groups all would like to see that rate lowered.
Serving the West Side first I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for 1360 KUIK.
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