Market Update Report 11/25/2013

The KUIK Market Update for Monday, November 25:
Markets are up.
Index Direction Change Units Last Time Change
Dow Up                     40 points           16,105 7:49 AM
S&P500 Up 0.08% percent             1,806             1.47
Nasdaq Composite Up 0.09% percent             3,995             3.46
30 Year Treasury Down                      (2) Basis Points               3.82 Annual Yield
U.S. stocks pushed higher toward new records this morning, with the Nasdaq Composite above 4,000, as a deal with Iran boosted investors’ appetite for risk and pushed down oil and gold prices. Iran and six global powers reached an agreement over the weekend that’s expected to curb Tehran’s nuclear program and ease trade sanctions. 
The National Association of Realtors reports the number of contracts Americans signed to buy previously-owned homes unexpectedly fell in October for a fifth consecutive month because of  higher borrowing costs that are denting the real-estate recovery.   Pending home sales decreased 0.6 percent after a 4.6 percent drop in September.  Economists expected a 1 percent gain.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is turning up pressure on Washington for comprehensive immigration reform, calling it “one of the biggest civil rights issues of our time.” Zuckerberg told ABC: “The future of our economy is a knowledge economy. And that means that getting the most talented people into this country is the most important thing that we can do to make sure that the companies of tomorrow are founded here.” 
Serving the West Side first, I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for AM 1360 KUIK.
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