Closing Market Report 10/23/2017

The KUIK Closing Market Report for Monday, October 23:
Markets finished down.
Index Direction Change Units Index Time Change
Dow Down (55) points 23,274 1:39 PM
S&P500 Down -0.4% percent 2,565 (10.23)
Nasdaq Composite Down -0.6% percent 6,587 (42.23)
30 Year Treasury Unchanged basis points 2.89 Annual Yield
The broad-market benchmark S&P500 ndex hasn’t had a decline of at least 3% since Nov. 7, 2016. That 242-daysbreaks the previous record that stretched from Jan. 26, 1995 to Jan. 9, 1996, according to Pension Partners. So far this year the S&P 500 is up about 15%, the Dow is up nearly 18%, and the Nasdaq Composite has advanced more than 22%.
Serving the West Side first, I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for 1360 KUIK.
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