Closing Market Report 1/26/2017

The KUIK Closing Market Report for Thursday, January 26:
Markets were mixed.
Index Direction Change Units Index Time Change  
Dow Up                     32 points         20,101 2:25 PM    
S&P500 Down -0.1% percent           2,297         (1.69)  
Nasdaq Composite Down 0.0% percent           5,655         (1.16)  
30 Year Treasury Down                      (2) basis points            3.09 Annual Yield    
President  Trump wants to pay for a wall along the border with Mexico through a 20% tax on imports, according to White House press secretary Sean Spicer. His comments appear to endporse House Republicans’ border adjustment plan, which would tax imports but exempt exports. Republicans have pressed the plan as an alternative to tariffs. Earlier Thursday, Mexico’s president canceled a planned meeting with Trump as the two disagreed over who would pay for the proposed wall. Spicer said import taxes would be applied to countries with which the U.S. has a trade deficit.
Serving the West Side first I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for 1360 KUIK.
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