Morning Market Report 1/23/2017

The KUIK Morning Market Report for Monday, January 23:
Market are up.
Index Direction Change Units   Time    
Dow Down                      (19)  points            19,807 7:06 AM    
S&P500 Down -0.1% percent            2,268      
Nasdaq Composite Down 0.0% percent            5,553      
30 Year Treasury Down                        (2) Basis Points              3.03 Annual Yield    
USA Today reports that President Trump is preparing to sign more executive orders after spending Sunday reviewing topics ranging from immigration to Israel to the economy, including what Trump said was a re-working of the North American Free Trade Agreement. He has set aside time this  morning to  sign. They include a “thorough review” of NAFTA and a possible executive-branch hiring freeze.
The final bill signed by former President Barack Obama before leaving office Friday will encourage tech entrepreneurs to work with government agencies in support of national priorities. The new law supports Obama’s Presidential Innovation Fellows program, an initiative enacted in 2012. Itintegrates private-sector technologists with public-service workers to tackle specific issues through a fellowship program that lasts six to 24 months. Past projects have included the development of—a resource for sexual assault victims on college campuses—and the creation of a website connecting veterans to employment opportunities.
Serving the West Side first, I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for 1360 KUIK.
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