Market Update Report 1/13/2017

The KUIK Market Update for Friday, January 13:
Markets are up.
Index Direction Change Units   Time    
Dow Up                     15  points            19,906 7:42 AM    
S&P500 Up 0.3% percent             2,276      
Nasdaq Composite Up 0.5% percent             5,576      
30 Year Treasury Up                       5 Basis Points               3.01 Annual Yield    
The Labor Department reports wholesale inflation rose in December, with the producer price index up 0.3%. That matched expectations.  The index is up 1.6% from a year ago for the strongest gain since September 2014 as energy prices start to head up.Excluding food, energy, and trade margins, prices were up 1.7%.
Growth has finally started to pick up globally, but there are still key risks on the horizon in 2017 that could wreck optimism in the world economy, warns Goldman Sachsā€™s chief economist Jan Hatzius. Speaking at conference in London on Monday, he said ā€œthere has been an impressive acceleration of growth since the summer,ā€ taking Goldmanā€™s global growth forecast to an above-consensus 3.6% for this year. He pointed to three risks that could derail the upbeat outlook for the months ahead. Those are the Trump administration could take a hard turn towards protectionism, European politics, and a hard landing in China.
Serving the West Side first, I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for 1360 KUIK.
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