Market Update Report 2/9/2016

The KUIK Market Update for Tuesday, February 9:

Markets are mixed.

Index Direction Change Units Time
Dow Down (25) points 16,002 7:30 AM
S&P500 Down -0.1% percent 1,851
Nasdaq Composite Up 0.2% percent 4,293
30 Year Treasury Up 2 Basis Points 2.58 Annual Yield

A report from the Center for Popular Democracy’s Fed Up campaign looked at the people who are Federal Reserve governors, and regional bank presidents and directors. It It said that all voting members of theFederal Open Market Committee and nearly all the regional bank presidents are white and just two of the 12 presidents and two of the five governors are women. The center said the composition violates the spirit of the law that the Fed, which calls for membership drawn from different industries and interests.

The Labor Department reports job openings rose 5% to 5.6 million in December, that was the second-highest ever recorded, behind only July 2015, when it hit 5.7 million. Hires rose to 5.36 million from 5.25 million. Voluntary quits also surged, rising 7% to 3.1 million, a sign of worker confidence.

Inventories fell 0.1% to a seasonally adjusted $582 billion, acording to the Commerce Department. Annualized growth in restocking slowed to 1.9% from a 6% pace in early 2015. Sales for wholesalers fell 0.3% in December.

Serving the West Side first, I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for 1360 KUIK.

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