Closing Market Report 8/27/2015

The KUIK Closing Market Report for Thursday, August 27:
It was another big up day on Wall Street.
Index Direction Change Units Index Time Change
Dow Up                    369 points         16,655 2:31 PM
S&P500 Up 2.4% percent           1,988      47.15
Nasdaq Composite Up 2.5% percent           4,813     115.17
30 Year Treasury Down                      (3) Basis Points            2.90 Annual Yield
October crude jumped 10.3% to settle at $42.56 a barrel on the New York Merc. That was the largest single-session percentage gain for a most-active contract since March 2009. Prices had settled on Monday below $39 for the first time since February 2009.
Serving the West Side first I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for 1360 KUIK.
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