Morning Market Report 9/8/2017

The KUIK Morning Market Report for Friday, September 8:
Markets are down.
Index Direction Change Units Index Time Change
Dow Jones Industrial Average Down (15) points 21,770 6:49 AM
S&P500 Down -0.2% percent 2,461 (3.67)
Nasdaq Composite Down -0.2% percent 6,383 (14.69)
30 Year Treasury Down (1) Basis Points 2.67 Annual Yield
Hackers used a website vulnerability to breach credit-reporting firm Equifax. The hackers had access from mid-May until July of this year, and the breach may have compromised data from 143 million Americans including Social Security numbers, driverā€™s license numbers, and credit cards. About 209,000 credit card numbers were exposed as well as ā€œdispute documents with personal identifying informationā€ for 182,000 Americans, the company said in a news release. Equifax is one of the three largest U.S. credit reporting firms. The other two are Experian and Transunion, The firms’ reports determine if people can take out loans, get housing, and take jobs. Equifax says that it handles data on more than 820 million consumers, and 91 million businesses around the world. Equifax stock is down almost 14%. To see if your information may have been compromisd go to
Serving the West Side first, I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for 1360 KUIK.
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