Market Update Report 1/23/2017

The KUIK Market Update for Monday, January 23:
Market are down.
Index Direction Change Units   Time    
Dow Down                    (63)  points            19,763 8:13 AM    
S&P500 Down -0.4% percent             2,262      
Nasdaq Composite Down -0.4% percent             5,536      
30 Year Treasury Down                      (5) Basis Points               3.00 Annual Yield    
USA Today reports that President Trump is preparing to sign more executive orders after spending Sunday reviewing topics ranging from immigration to Israel to the economy. He has set aside time this morning to sign orders including a “thorough review” of the North American Free Trade Agreement and an executive-branch hiring freeze. announced plans to open its first fulfillment center in Colorado, which the e-commerce giant said it expects will create 1,000 new full-time jobs. The one-million square foot facility will be near Denver. Amazon said the new jobs will pay 30% more than traditional retail and receive benefits, including tuition reimbursement. 
In a meeting today with some of the nation’s largest technology and manufacturing companies, President Trump vowed “massive” cuts in taxes and regulations to help businesses create more jobs in the U.S. He said he would seek to slash regulations while maintaining protections for the environment and worker safety and that “We think we can try to cut regulations by 75% — maybe more.”
Serving the West Side first, I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for 1360 KUIK.
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