Closing Market Report 1/18/2017

The KUIK Closing Market Report for Wednesday, January 18:
Markets were mixed.
Index Direction Change Units Index Time Change  
Dow Down                    (22) points         19,805 6:35 PM    
S&P500 Up 0.2% percent           2,272          4.00  
Nasdaq Composite Up 0.3% percent           5,556        16.93  
30 Year Treasury Up                       6 basis points            2.99 Annual Yield    
Inflation is heating up in the US according to the Federal Reserve’sBeige Book, a collection of anecdotes about the economy gathered before the Fedmakes interest-rate decisions. It said “prices pressures intensified somewhat” in the last few weeks of 2016. Eight of the 12 Fed districts saw modest prices increases and the remainder saw smaller gains, the report said. Only Atlanta reported flat prices.Costs increases were reported for coal, natural gas, and selected building and manufacturing materials. Retailers still struggled to raise prices, and farm products “stayed flat at very low levels.” 
Serving the West Side first I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for 1360 KUIK.
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