Closing Market Report 12/29/2016

The KUIK Closing Market Report for Thursday, December 29:
Markets were down.
Index Direction Change Units Index Time Change  
Dow Down                    (14) points         19,820 2:40 PM    
S&P500 Down 0.0% percent           2,249         (0.66)  
Nasdaq Composite Down -0.1% percent           5,432         (6.47)  
30 Year Treasury Unchanged                      –   Basis Points            3.08 Annual Yield    
President Obama  ordered the closure of two Russian diplomatic compounds in Maryland and New York and barred from the U.S. 35 Russians designated as intelligence operatives as retaliation for alleged hacking of the U.S. presidential election. The president also declassified information that he said would help the U.S. and other nations deter cyberattacks by Russian civilians or government agents. The White House acted in response to findings by U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia sought to undermine the campaign of Hillary Clinton and aid the election of Donald Trump.  Russia has denied involvement and demanded the U.S. offer evidence.
Serving the West Side first I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for 1360 KUIK.
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