Market Update Report 12/21/2016

The KUIK Market Update for Wednesday, December 21:
Markets are down.
Index Direction Change Units   Time    
Dow Down                    (21)  points            19,955 8:12 AM    
S&P500 Down -0.1% percent             2,268      
Nasdaq Composite Down -0.3% percent             5,467      
30 Year Treasury Down                      (1) Basis Points               3.14 Annual Yield    
Existing-home sales for November ran at a seasonally adjusted 5.61 million annual rate according to the National Association of Realtors. That’s up 0.7% from October’s downwardly-revised 5.57 million pace, the high since February 2007, and better than the 5.5 million expected by economists. Novemberā€™s rate was 15.4% higher compared to November of 2015. There were only 4 months of supply at the current pace of sales, the 18th month in which inventory was tighter compared to its level a year ago. Thatā€™s pushing up price. The median price across the country was $234,900, up 6.8%.
Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew on Tuesday warned the incoming Trump economic team and the new Republican Congress they should not ignore how their tax cut plans impact the federal budget deficit. ā€œBecause if you open a big fiscal gap, the only way to close it is to cut spending or raise taxes,ā€ Lew said.  The budget deficit widened 34% to $587 billion in the 2016 fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, the first increase in five years.
Serving the West Side first, I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for 1360 KUIK.
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