Morning Market Report 1/5/2015

The KUIK Morning Market Report for Monday, January 5:
Markets are down.
Index Direction Change Units Time Change
Dow Down                   (175) points           17,658 7:07 AM
S&P500 Down -1.1% percent            2,036           (21.88)
Nasdaq Composite Down -0.8% percent            4,689           (37.47)
30 Year Treasury Down                      (6) Basis Points              2.64 Annual Yield
European stocks fluctuated today, pushed up  optimism from the chance of more stimulus from the European Central Bank, but depressed  about political uncertainty in Greece. The Stoxx Europe 600 index fell 1.2% 337.2.
Marketwatch reports the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is looking at ways to regulate payday lenders to make sure customers can pay back their loans. These would be the first federal regulations for the $46 billion industry, which has historically been overseen by states. The loans are usually less than $500. Borrowers provide a lender with a personal check dated for the next payday or permission to debit their bank accounts two weeks later, with a finance charge added. Consumer-advocacy groups say the loans are deceptive because borrowers often roll them over several times, racking up fees in the process. They also criticize high annual interest rates that can range from less than 200% to more than 500%, depending on the state, according to research by the Pew Charitable Trusts.
 Oil futures fell to new5 1/2 year lows. February crude fell 3.6% to $50.80 a barrel on the New York Merc.
Serving the West Side first, I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for 1360 KUIK.
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