Closing Market Report 3/24/2014

The KUIK Closing Market Report for Monday, March 24:
Markets faded at the end.
Direction Change Units  Last  Time Change
Dow Down                    (26) points           16,277 2:54 PM
S&P500 Down -0.49% percent             1,857       (9.08)
Nasdaq Composite Down -1.18% percent             4,226     (50.40)
30 Year Treasury Down                      (4) Basis Points               3.57 Annual Yield
 Investors continue to sell securities sensitive to rising interest rates on the long end of the yield curve.  Making the spread between intermediate and long-term yields its narrowest since 2009. The market is pricing in earlier-than-expected hikes to the Fed Funds rate after Chairman Janet Yellen said the central bank would probably begin raising rates about six months after it ends its bond-buying program.
Serving the West Side first I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for AM 1360 KUIK.
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