Morning Market Report 11/26/2013

The KUIK Morning Market Report for Tuesday, November 26:
Markets are mixed.
Index Direction Change Units Last Time Change
Dow Up                     23 points           16,096 6:50 AM
S&P500 Up 0.06% percent             1,803             1.01
Nasdaq Composite Down -0.01% percent             3,994            (0.51)
30 Year Treasury Down                      (3) Basis Points               3.80 Annual Yield
U.S. home prices in September grew at the slowest monthly pace since February according to the according to S&P/Case-Shiller 20-city composite index. On a year-over-year basis, home prices grew 13.3% in September, the fastest annual pace since February 2006, though prices remained about 20% below their 2006 peak.  On a monthly basis, home prices rose 0.7% in September, the smallest gain since February, as 19 of 20 cities tracked by the index saw lower growth. 
The Commerce Department reports permits to build new U.S. homes climbed 6.2% in October to the highest level in more than five years, mainly because of a big increase in applications to construct apartments. Permits issued last month rose to an annual rate of 1.03 million from an upwardly revised 974,000 in September.  Applications for buildings of five units or more were up 17%, with most of the demand in the South and West. 
Oil futures are up, rebounding from selling in the wake of Iran’s nuclear deal with the US and five other countriesions to ease sanctions, with the market looking ahead to supply data to be released later in the day.  January crude is up 0.3% to $94.34 a barrel on the New York Merc.
Serving the West Side first, I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for AM 1360 KUIK.
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