Morning Market Report 11/2/2013

The KUIK Morning Market Report for Friday, November 22:
Markets are mixed.
Index Direction Change Units Last Time Change
Dow Down                    (18) points           15,993 8:52 AM
S&P500 Up 0.05% percent             1,797             0.98
Nasdaq Composite Up 0.27% percent             3,980            10.54
30 Year Treasury Down                      (3) Basis Points               3.86 Annual Yield
Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart on Friday said the central bank will remain accommodative “for years.” Lockhart, speaking to CNBC, nonetheless said he favors changing the mix of policy tools, stressing that asset purchases and the future of short-term interest rates are not tied together. He called Janet Yellen a “very qualified candidate …to run the Federal Reserve.”
Intel Chief Executive Brian Krzanich on Thursday said the semiconductor giant plans to quadruple its tablet chip production in 2014. Krzanich also said the company plans to use PC innovations “to acclerate differentiation in tablets.” He disclosed the plan at the company’s analyst day which was Webcast from Intel’s headquarters in Santa Clara, Calif. The announcement highlights Intel’s bid to expand its presence in the mobile market, where it faces stiff competition from processors based on the technology of ARM Holdings.  Intel has been struggling with a weakening personal-computer market. Intel stock is off $0.83 to $24.40.
Serving the West Side first, I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for AM 1360 KUIK.
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