Morning Market Report 6/4/2013

The KUIK Morning Market Report for Tuesday, June 4:
Markets are up.
Index Direction Change Units Last Time Change  
Dow Up                     26 points           15,281 6:56 AM    
S&P500 Up 0.30% percent             1,645               4.93 points
Nasdaq Composite Up 0.34% percent             3,478              14.10 points
30 Year Treasury Up                       2 Basis Points               3.30 Annual Yield    
The U.S. trade deficit with was up 8.5% in April, due to a surge in Chinese imports.  The Commerce Department reported the trade gap widened to a seasonally adjusted $40.3 billion from a revised $37.1 billion in March,  That was slightly below expectations. Imports increased 2.4% to $227.7 billion, while exports rose a smaller 1.2% to $187.4 billion. 
News from the home mortgage market:  banks are loosening standards for down payments.  The average down payment in purchases with a 30-year fixed rate mortgage dropped to 16.1% nationwide in May from 17.6% two years ago, according to a report released by LendingTree, the online mortgage marketplace. In Mississippi and West Virginia, the average down payments are as low as 12%.
Gold futures fell below $1,400 as the U.S. dollar rose against other currencies.  August gold fell1%, to $1,397.40 an ounce on the New York Merc.
Serving the West Side first, I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for AM 1360 KUIK.
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