Morning Market Report 5/28/2013


The KUIK Morning Market Report for Tuesday, May 28:
Markets are up.
Index Direction Change Units Last Time Change  
Dow Up                    178 points           15,481 7:00 AM    
S&P500 Up 1.29% percent             1,671              21.29 points
Nasdaq Composite Up 1.47% percent             3,509              50.00 points
30 Year Treasury Up                       4 Basis Points               3.22 Annual Yield    
Home prices are up.  The S&P/Case-Shiller 20-city composite rose 1.4% in March, the largest monthly gain since July. The growth from March of 2012  was 10.9%, the highest year-on-year growth rate since April 2006. On a seasonally adjusted basis, prices rose 1.1% in March. Despite recent gains, prices remain about 28% below their 2006 peak.
Marketwatch reports rising American output of shale oil is rewriting global trade patterns and deepening fault lines within the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, limiting its ability to mount a collective response. African OPEC members such as Algeria and Nigeria — which produce oil of similar grade to shale oil — are suffering the worst effects from the North American oil boom
August Gold  lost  0.4%, to $1,382.50 an ounce on the Comex division of the New York Merc. Analysts at J.P. Morgan cut the 2013 outlook for the yellow metal to $1,595 an ounce down from $1,745.
Serving the West Side first, I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for AM 1360 KUIK.
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