Morning Market Report 5/7/2013

The KUIK Morning Market Report for Tuesday, May 7:
Markets are up.
Index Direction Change Units Last Time Change
Dow Up                     41 points             15,010 6:59 AM
S&P500 Up 0.34% percent               1,623               5.45 points
Nasdaq Composite Up 0.23% percent               3,401               7.65 points
30 Year Treasury Up                       0 Basis Points               2.99 Annual Yield
Corelogic reports U.S. home prices climbed 1.9% in March, marking the 13th straight monthly rise and a 10.5% year-on-year gain. Excluding distressed sales, the monthly gain was 2.4%. There were strong  gains in the west including a 22.2% year-on-year gain in Nevada and a 17.2% gain in California. Four states saw year-on-year declines: Delaware, Alabama, Illinois and Virginia. CoreLogic’s pending home price indicator points to a 1.3% monthly and 9.6% year-on-year gain for April.
Congress took a step toward ending tax-free shopping on the Internet, as the Senate passed The   Internet Fairness Act, giving states the power to collect sales tax for purchases made online. Online shoppers won’t have to pay sales tax just yet. The measure received 69 yes votes and 27 no votes in the Senate goes to the   House of Representatives, where anti-tax sentiment may make it difficult to   pass.
Microsoft admits failure with the Windows 8 operating system and is preparing to change key elements this year, according to the Financial Times. The tech firm’s head of marketing and finance, Tami Reller, said in an   interview with the newspaper that “key aspects” of the operating system will be changed when Microsoft reveals an updated version later this year. Watch out for that Blue Screen of Death.
Serving the West   Side first, I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for AM 1360 KUIK.
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