Closing Market Report 1/9/2015

The KUIK Closing Market Report for Friday, January 9:
Markets finished down.
Direction Change Units  Last Time Change
Dow Down                   (171) points           17,737 2:10 PM
S&P500 Down -0.8% percent             2,045     (17.33)
Nasdaq Composite Down -0.7% percent             4,704     (32.12)
30 Year Treasury Down                      (4) Basis Points               2.56 Annual Yield
Fitch Ratings downgraded Russia’s government debt rating to BBB- from BBB, putting it one notch above junk with a negative outlook . In a statement, Fitch said “The economic outlook has deteriorated significantly since mid-2014 following sharp falls in the oil price and the ruble, coupled with a steep rise in interest rates.”
Serving the West Side first I am Bill Roller of BR Capital for 1360 KUIK.–one-notch-above-junk-2015-01-09
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